

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day Two

Today we woke up at 1:00 P.M., because of our our late arrival. Since we only had an afternoon, we decided to go to the Church of San Francisco. We got a ride from Piero's relatives' home to downtown Lima, which took us about 15-20 minutes. When we arrived, we first had to walk around downtown Lima, because it was about a two hour wait to get in. We reserved or spots so we didn't have to wait in a line. Around town the recitatives showed us around, explaining the culture and which buildings were what. Thanks to Pierot it was much easier to communicate with everyone.Although some people did know some English, it was still very hard to talk on our own. We mostly looked around souvenir shops and places on the side of the road where people would set out clothes, toys, and fun little trinkets that they had made. Here we all bought something.Morgan bought a teddy bear made with real alpaca hair.
like this one
 Erin got colorful Peruvian made brace lets and earring.

Philip got a alpaca hair hat.

Brady go a Peruvian poncho.

and Piero got a Peru football t-shirt.

After we were done shopping it was time to go to the church. It was very beautiful and we especially admired the detail and time put into the architectural art we saw. After about an hour we were informed the cathedral was closing early, so Pierot's relatives drove to a popular La Rosa NĂ¡utica, a restaurant where earlier that day they had booked all of us a spot. The reason why this restaurant is so popular and unique is because it was built over the ocean of the coast of Lima. There, we spent about $25.00-$35.00 each for our meals because of the restaurant's high quality service and food. When we finished eating, we drove back to Piero's relatives' home for the night.

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